ARCON CONSULTING has extensive familiarity with common exterior cladding systems such as Portland Cement Stucco or Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS). These systems are widely used by architects and contractors for reasons including aesthetic appeal, durability, and cost-effectiveness. The inherent problem with both is that without proper design and installation, the systems are susceptible to water infiltration. If water penetrates the exterior face of stucco or EIFS, it may damage the supporting structure by causing rot and mold.
Our inspection protocol for stucco and EIFS has been developed from our extensive experience in the design, specification, and installation oversight of both systems. In most cases, water infiltration is not apparent from the exterior, and requires moisture meter testing to determine the moisture content of the substrate, typically plywood or oriented-strand board. When necessary, more invasive inspections may be performed to determine the extent of damage.
Portland Cement Stucco Evaluation
Stucco has been used as a building material for centuries and is an excellent cladding material for homes and commercial buildings. Stucco applications typically include three coats, a scratch coat, a brown coat, and a finish coat, applied over an underlying system of sheathing, weather resistive barrier and metal lath. If designed and installed correctly the system can last for many years with minimal maintenance.
As energy consciousness becomes more prevalent, new building construction now requires a tighter exterior that does not permit airflow. Lack of airflow reduces the ability for a building to dry out naturally when it gets wet. Newer buildings must be designed to allow water that infiltrates the cladding system to drain back out to the exterior. These new exterior systems are typically referred to as drainable or rain-screen systems.
ASTM International, (ASTM) is a developer of voluntary standards for multiple markets and industries, including construction. ASTM standards are widely recognized by the design and construction industry as the basis for the design and installation of building materials. ARCON CONSULTING is well versed with ASTM standard industry guidelines for the installation of stucco including ASTM C926-12a Standard Specification for Application of Portland Cement-Based Plaster and ASTM C933-13 Standard Specification for Welded Wire Lath. These standards in conjunction with multiple other ASTM and manufacturer's standards provide the basis for evaluation of a stucco system.
EIFS Evaluation
EIFS was developed in Europe after World War II and first imported into the U.S. in 1969 by Dryvit, a major manufacturer of EIFS. When first introduced in the U.S., most applications of EIFS were to wood framed residential homes. Over time, problems developed with moisture being retained in some walls upon which EIFS had been applied. Because the walls were constructed with materials that could be degraded by moisture, the entry of water into the EIFS and its retention therein posed potentially serious problems for homeowners. As a result of extensive damage, many homeowners were forced to completely remove and replace the EIFS cladding from their homes.
Current building technology attempts to mitigate the potential failures of an EIFS by designing EIFS that realize an effective cladding system requires a successful relationship between three key elements — design, materials, and application process. Despite the advances in building technology related to EIFS, moisture can still enter the EIFS causing damage. Water typically enters the EIFS through openings near windows, doors and roofs when the sealant, flashing and other devices that would cover any possible areas of entry are either improperly installed or maintained, defective or not used at all. Manufacturers of EIFS recommend periodic inspections to find potential problem areas. ARCON CONSULTING is familiar with the installation and maintenance requirements for EIFS and can effectively evaluate the condition of EIFS recommending any necessary repairs.

ARCON CONSULTING was retained to inspect this house after extensive water infiltration resulted in stucco damage.

Improper construction techniques often lead to trapped moisture and rot within the wall system as seen by the stucco discoloration in this ARCON CONSULTING inspection.